Creating a HTMX and .NET Minimal API from scratch and adding necessary features like validation and error handling.
How to create an Azure SQL Server automatically that uses Microsoft Entra authentication, migrates the database using Entity Framework Core, and deploys out the infrastructure automatically with Bicep.
A comprehensive comparison with a breakdown of features that are present in GitHub and have been missing in AzDo for years.
I combined some of my favorite things by creating some game extensions for TaleSpire, which I use to facilitate Dungeons & Dragons games.
How keyed services can smooth over the factory pattern in dependency injection scenarios.
A short manifesto of what I believe quality code means.
A common authentication pattern with Azure AD comes to a screeching halt because of backwards compatibility.
A different approach compared to a dominating architecture in our industry - Clean Architecture.
I use Bogus to demonstrate how fake factories can be used to easily create useful, random data, whether it be primitive types or complex objects, for use in testing and non-production data seeding.
These myths, damaging to the Agile movement, are propagated out of negligence of what Agile is - either inadvertently, through laziness, or old-school skepticism - by all types of people at organizations.